Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 2, 2018

Installing SAS® 9.4 for Windows 7,8,10x64bit successfull

Installing SAS® 9.4 for Windows 7,8,10x64bit successfull

1. Before you begin installing the SAS software, ensure that there are no antivirus or firewall services.
Select Start ► Run and type services.msc. For Windows 7, type services.msc in the Search programs and files search box.
Look for any antivirus software that is in a started state. Stop the services by clicking Stop in the upper left corner.
SAS 9.4 can only be installed on Professional, Ultimate or Enterprise versions of Windows 7; Pro or Enterprise versions of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.
SAS requires 10 - 15 GB of hard drive space.

2. This installation will take at least any hours to complete after you have downloaded and decompressed the installation media.
You can download 11 part of SAS 9.4 from links below:
Or download here:
Enter pass for file rar:
After downloaded you need copy all file to only one folder, then to uncompress only Part 1.

3.  SAS Deployment Wizard manages the SAS Foundation Deployment.
To start, Browse to your SAS depot folder and Right click on setup.exe. Then click on “Run as administrator”.

4.  Select your preferred language for the SAS Deployment Wizard.

5. Select Deployment Task - Select Install SAS Software. Click Next.

6. If prompted, Select the correct SAS order.. Click Next.  Otherwise, Specify SAS Home - Choose a file system location for the home folder for your SAS software. This will default to C:\Program Files\SASHome. You can use the Browse button to navigate to an alternate location for your SAS Home. Click Next.

7. Select Deployment Type - Select Install SAS Foundation and Related Software. Click Next.

8. Select Products to install -  Click on Clear All. Then select both SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Foundation. Click Next.

9. Select SAS Foundation Products - The defaults that are selected are all of the SAS Foundation
products in your order. Generally, you will want all of the products in your order. Click Next.

10. Specify SAS Installation Data File - This is the path to your SID file. By default, the SID file is located in the sid_files folder of your SAS Software Depot. If necessary, click Browse to navigate to this file. Click Browse.
You need download file .txt from link below:
Link file .txt for windows ×86:
Link file .txt for windows ×64:
Or download for other version:

11. Select Language Support — Select the languages that you want to install for the products that are listed. Only those languages that work with your locale are installed. Click Next.
Clicking on “Clear all” will only leave English ticked.

12. Select Regional Settings. Select the Locale. For ex: English (Australia) [en_AU]. Click Next.

13. Select the default product for SAS file Types. Click Next.
* The default selection is SAS Foundation.

14. Checking System - The SAS Deployment Wizard checks to ensure that the system has enough disk space and the files and folders that it will write are accessible. The installation cannot proceed until access is granted for any listed files. When the examination is complete, click Next.

15. Deployment Summary - Click on start to begin the installation.

16. Deployment Complete - Check all stages for errors or warnings. Click Next.

17. Select support Option - Select to send an electronic record to SAS if you wish. Click Next.

18. Additional Resources - Record these links for future reference. Click Finish.

19. Start the Program SAS 9.4.

Thank you for watching!

3 Nhận xét:

Tại lúc 19:33 27 tháng 3, 2018 , Blogger google account nói...

hello, thanks for your uploading this file. Unfortunately, is it only extending until 30 April 2018 ? When I submit file.txt for 64

Tại lúc 02:51 6 tháng 5, 2018 , Blogger Unknown nói...

hy the licence has expired do you have other links please. that would be very nice of you
here is my email
thank youuuuuu

Tại lúc 10:24 27 tháng 10, 2024 , Blogger rongviet(5giay) nói...

cho xin link download khac voi, thanks


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